A blog with jekyll and github pages

There’s a few tutorials around the internet already about this, but here’s some issue I ran into along to way.

The following errors started when I switched from the minima layout to one of the Github supported layouts

If you get this error:

                    No repo name found. Specify using PAGES_REPO_NWO environment variables, 'repository' in your configuration, or set up an 'origin' git remote pointing to your github.com repository.

This comment fixed it for me.

Next error was:

   GitHub Metadata: No GitHub API authentication could be found. Some fields may be missing or have incorrect data.
   GitHub Metadata: Error processing value 'repo_info':
  Liquid Exception: uninitialized constant Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed Did you mean? Faraday::ConnectionFailed in /_layouts/default.html

Seems GitHub Metadata: Error processing value 'repo_info': was the fun part, and this comment solved it for me.

Finally I got this error:

Invalid theme folder: _includes
Invalid theme folder: _includes
       Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
     Build Warning: Layout 'page' requested in about.markdown does not exist.
     Build Warning: Layout 'home' requested in index.markdown does not exist.

Seems switching to the hacker theme made the index.html page stop rendering locally, and I finally gave up and switched back to minima. This is a recreational blog so there’s only so much fighting I’m willing to put up with.

At some point I do want this site dark though so I may have to come back to this in the future.