Blog anywhere, any time

I wanted to be able to make blog posts from my phone for my github backed, static site, and I found a good blog post that showed me how.

This works for an iPhone/Mac, not sure how for other setups. But basically on your mac you can clone your repo into your Documents folder. Then go to System Preferences -> Apple Id -> ICloud Drive -> Options, and make sure your Desktop and Documents folders are synced. Then you can get IA Writer or some other app on your phone that can edit plain text files in your ICloud account. From that app, create the files in you checked out repo, and they’ll appear on your Mac.

Still haven’t set up the git commit && git push part of this workflow, but at least the important part of creating posts on my phone is covered.

First time I did this from my phone I got the date format wrong ( instead of the correct so I guess this workflow needs a bit of work to make fool proof…