[epistemic status: Not very confident on a lot of this. High level should be ok, but lot of details could be wrong]

So the idris2 repo has a lot of parsers, and I spent the last few weeks being confused by which is which. After a lot of grepping, I think this is where they all are and their general purpose. This is mostly just notes from what I found when rewriting the idrall parser, but maybe it’s useful to others.

The date of writing this is August 29, 2021, and I’m basing this on idris2 commit 1e00277

Using the bash command fd parser to get the parsers, let’s go through them one by one:

1. src/Libraries/Text/Parser

A total parser combinator library used by idris2 itself internally. This parser has a lexer, and good support for positioning.

Note: the following I’m unsure about:

I think it also has 2 tokenizers. There’s src/Libraries/Text/Lexer/Tokenizer.idr and src/Libraries/Text/Lexer/Core.idr. The difference is Tokenizer.idr can support nested grammars, as is required by Idris’ grammer for string interpolation, and the Core.idr one does not.

Check out here to see how parsing idris2 source uses the Tokenizer.idr type Tokenizer. Compare to how parsing the .ipkg files (a much more simple grammer) uses the TokenMap type from Core.idr.

Both of these result in token that can then be consumed by the parser src/Libraries/Text/Parser.

2. libs/contrib/Text/Parser

Copy of src/Libraries/Text/Parser, made available to other packages via contrib. This is duplicated because idris2 does not want to have a dependency on contrib. It can also get out of sync with src/Libraries/Text/Parser

3. libs/contrib/Data/String/Parser

Simple parser combinator library, doesn’t have a lexer. To see this in use check its tests here

4. src/Parser

Uses src/Libraries/Text/Parser module to write a collection of smaller parsers to be used by idris2 when parsing idris2 source code. Running grep -r Rule src/Parser shows that most of the parsers here return basic Types rather than PTerm:

src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:constant : Rule Constant
src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:intLit : Rule Integer
src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:onOffLit : Rule Bool
src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:strLit : Rule String
src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:symbol : String -> Rule ()
src/Parser/Rule/Source.idr:keyword : String -> Rule ()

5. src/Idris/Parser.idr

Uses the parses in src/Parser to parse to something like an idris2 AST? Also not sure on this, but these parsers match higher level idris2 constructs:

$ grep -r Rule src/Parser
src/Idris/Parser.idr:recordConstructor : OriginDesc -> Rule Name
src/Idris/Parser.idr:ifaceDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
src/Idris/Parser.idr:implDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
src/Idris/Parser.idr:fieldDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List PField)
src/Idris/Parser.idr:typedArg : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm))
src/Idris/Parser.idr:recordParam : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm,  PTerm))
src/Idris/Parser.idr:recordDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
src/Idris/Parser.idr:directiveDecl : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule PDecl
src/Idris/Parser.idr:import_ : OriginDesc -> IndentInfo -> Rule Import

6. src/Idris/Parser/

Surprise! This module only contains one file src/Idris/Parser/Let.idr, which just parses let declarations.

7. src/Idris/IDEMode/Parser.idr

I think this is used to parse the protocol that the IDE mode uses idris2 uses to communicate with editors.

8. src/TTImp/Parser.idr

This is to parse the textual representation of TTImp. This is for use when you’re writing your own frontend for idris2. Say for example you want to write your own language that will use idris2’s elaborator/type checker. You can parse your source code in whatever language you want, eg Haskell, then produce a text file of TTImp. idris2 can then read that TTImp text file, parse it with src/TTImp/Parser.idr, and then elaborate it. Thanks to @gallais on the Idris2 discord for explaining this.

9. libs/contrib/Language/JSON/Parser.idr

A JSON parser. Uses libs/contrib/Text/Parser if you need a more simple example of the src/Libraries/Text/Parser module in action.


That’s what I found, hope it’s usefult to someone! If you find any mistakes or important omissions, feel free to open an issue or PR at this blog’s repo.